buildingSMART International's Podcast
The buildingSMART Digital Twins Podcast series covers a range of interesting speakers and topics. This series starting in 2021 includes a broad perspective from our industry and inspirational speakers from around the globe.
buildingSMART International's Podcast
Episode #9 - Tarmo Savolainen, Chief Specialist, InfraBIM, Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency FTIA (Finnish Väylävirasto)
buildingSMART International
Season 1
Episode 9
Hear from Tarmo Savolainen, Chief Specialist, InfraBIM at FTIA about what their strategic vision is for the future, how they approach the subject of asset management and what frameworks are in place today.
LinkedIn URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tarmosavolainen/
Twitter URL: https://twitter.com/TTS1975
And here is the link for the thesis of Heidi Kotiranta (LUT home page): https://lutpub.lut.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/159743/ProGradu_Kotiranta_Heidi.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
InfraBIM Open Lyon 30 Aug-1 Sep 2021 www.infrabimopen.com