buildingSMART International's Podcast
The buildingSMART Digital Twins Podcast series covers a range of interesting speakers and topics. This series starting in 2021 includes a broad perspective from our industry and inspirational speakers from around the globe.
Podcasting since 2021 • 32 episodes
buildingSMART International's Podcast
Latest Episodes
Domain chats - Eivind Pagander Tysnes (Railway)
Eivind Pagander Tysnes is the Chair of the buildingSMART International Railway Domain and Discipline Manager BIM at Bane NOR, the Norwegian Railway Infrastructure operator and owner.We discuss his journey from carpenter to openB...
Season 2
Episode 7

Domain chats - Rob Roef (Building)
Rob Roef, buildingSMART Benelux and International Building Domain co-chair, chats to Richard Kelly as they cycle around the fascinating city of Rotterdam. They analyse the architecture and discuss the improvements that openBIM is delivering for...
Season 2
Episode 6

Episode #25 Havard Bell, CSO, Catenda
Hear from CSO, Havard Bell from Catenda, a Norwegian-based, multinational software provider with a very clear outlook; that is, to be open and to instil the value of openness throughout its business and through its many customers around the wor...
Season 1
Episode 25

Domain chats - David Ivey (Building)
David Ivey is a Senior Associate with HOK and also the co-Chair of buildingSMART International’s Building Domain. In this conversation, we discuss the progressive digitisation of the building industry, the pains of owning and operating, plus wh...
Season 2
Episode 5

Domain chats - Arisca Droog (Airport)
Arisca Droog discusses her roles at Schiphol Airport and the buildingSMART International Airport Domain. We cover the benefits of digital transformation for the whole life asset management of the airport estate, elephants, and the importance of...
Season 2
Episode 4